[PyKDE] Eric: another DTD-reference error pops up

Mike C. Fletcher mcfletch at rogers.com
Sun Sep 26 16:13:11 BST 2004

Detlev Offenbach wrote:

>which one of yesterdays snapshots did you use. I realized a problem with the 
>loading of DTDs and made a change for the second snapshot (i.e. 
Just un-installed and re-installed the 20040925-2 snapshot.  Problem 
still shows up.

>If the problem is still there please let me know, how 
>you started up eric3 because this might be the source of the problem. The 
>path of the DTDs is constructed from sys.argv[0].
I see the same problem when launched from a KDE menu item with "eric3" 
as the command (and ~/pylive as the work path) and when typing in 
"eric3" at the bash prompt.  Executable is at /usr/local/bin/eric3 ,  
total content of the file eric3 is:


exec /usr/bin/python /home/mcfletch/pylive/eric3/eric3.py $*

I'd suggest using the __file__ attribute of the eric3 package (or the 
main eric3 module, for that matter) as the base for this kind of thing 
if you're not going to use the eric3config.py.  There's also been 
discussion (and IIRC a fairly robust recipe was posted) of how to get 
the module path on comp.lang.python recently.

Off to grandmother's house I go,

  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder

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