[PyKDE] Deployment on Windows? > license compatible

Michael Zimmermann mz-list at incunabulum.de
Wed Dec 7 13:38:44 GMT 2005


thank you very much for this exhaustive answer. Coming from the world of 
linux and open-source sometimes I find it difficult to wrap my head 
around the concepts of licensing issues and code protection!

> If you think, you miss something in the documentation of VendorID (I'm 
> sure you have read the docs at least twice :-) ), please let me know.

Not really! Once you know what needs to be done the documentation of the 
VendorID package is suitable.

What might be missing is some information (or an example) about the 
meassures that need to be taken for an example (e. g. distribute pyQT in 
a license-conformant way). Here, for the newbie like me this would help 
a lot to understand the concepts!

Anyway, thanks again! Now on to compiling the whole stuff on windows. 
Urrg.... :-)


|  mz-list at incunabulum.de |

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