[PyKDE] Python program runs on cmd line, in IDE, but raises an exception when stepping through

Tony C cappy2112 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 6 00:23:54 BST 2005

I've just started using Eric3 on Windows.

Nice IDE and lots of features, but the program I was running raises an
exception when I step through the code.

However, when I run my program on the cmd line as in ...

python mypro.py argument

It runs without exceptions.

When I run my program from the IDE, but without stepping through it, my
program also runs without exceptions.

I've supplied the same argument in all three cases.

I suppose there is some obscure configuration feature I may not be aware of,
but I can't say I've ever encountered this with other debuggers/langauges.

Can anyone explain why this is occuring?

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