[PyKDE] custom clipboard types broken?

Anthony Heading aheading at jpmorgan.com
Thu Oct 6 04:54:43 BST 2005


Attached is a program which I believe worked perfectly in
earlier versions of pyqt, but now no longer functions.  The
program is supposed to put data onto the windows clipboard
in 'CSV' format  (the clipboard id that seems to correspond
to CSV format is hardwired in the example, but in reality I
call the Win32 API to obtain the right value).

The point of failure appears to be around the callback
from qt's renderFormat() into sipQMimeSource::format() -
the variable sipPySelf is for some reason NULL, causing
the sipIsPyMethod to return false and the function to
return NULL, thus terminating any attempts to encode
the clipboard data.

const char * sipQMimeSource::format(int a0) const
    extern const char * sipVH_qt_189(sip_gilstate_t,PyObject *,int);

    sip_gilstate_t sipGILState;
    PyObject *meth;

    meth = sipIsPyMethod(&sipGILState,const_cast<sipMethodCache *>(&sipPyMethods[0]),sipPySelf,sipNm_qt_QMimeSource,sipNm_qt_format);

    if (!meth)
	return 0;

    return sipVH_qt_189(sipGILState,meth,a0);



#!/usr/bin/env python

from qt import *
import winfuncs
import sys

class WindowsMimeCSV(QWindowsMime):
    def __init__(self, *args):
	self.cfnum = 49638  # Csv
    def canConvert(self, mime, cf):
	return mime == "text/csv" and cf == self.cfnum
    def cf(self, pos):
	return self.cfnum
    def cfFor(self, mime):
	if mime == "text/csv":
	    return self.cfnum
	return 0

    def convertFromMime(self, data, mime, cf):
	return str(data)
    def convertToMime(self, data, mine, cf):
	return str(data)
    def convertorName(self):
	return "Csv"
    def countCf(self):
	return 1
    def mimeFor(self, cf):
	if cf == self.cfnum:
	    return "text/csv"
	return None

_WindowsMimeCSV = None

def RegisterCSV():
    global _WindowsMimeCSV
    if _WindowsMimeCSV is None:
	_WindowsMimeCSV = WindowsMimeCSV()

class CSVMimeSource(QMimeSource):
    def __init__(self, data):
	self.data = data
    def encodedData(self, mime):
	lines = []
	for row in self.data:
	    fields = []
	    for field in row:
		x = str(field)
		if "," in x: x = '"%s"' % x
	csv = "\n".join(lines)
	return csv
    def format(self, i):
	if i == 0:
	    return "text/csv"
	return None
    def provides(self, mime):
	if mime == "text/csv":
	    return true
	return false

def CSVExport(data):
    mimeSource = CSVMimeSource (data)
    clipboard  = QApplication.clipboard()
    clipboard.setData (mimeSource, QClipboard.Clipboard)

def example():

app = QApplication(sys.argv)

button = QPushButton("Copy", None)

QObject.connect(button, SIGNAL("clicked()"), example)



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