[PyKDE] Newbie getting started on Debian

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Wed Sep 28 15:14:15 BST 2005

On 28.09.05 23:46:33, Jon wrote:
> I notice the bindings appear to be in sid but there's a grave bug marked
> against python-kde3 saying it isn't installable.

That's because they have not been rebuilt with gcc-4.0 (which is the
default compiler in sid and etch) and KDE3.4.2.

> Next I figure I'll compile the latest snapshot of PyKDE from the
> Riverbank site, but after some minutes I get a compile error in the
> kdeui module (looks like a GCC 4 problem).


deb-src http://ftp.debian.org/debian unstable main

to your sources.list you could get at the source package for
python2.3-kde3 and try to rebuilt the package yourself. I'm not sure
however if you need to change the debian-control-file for this to work.


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