[PyKDE] Pixel from a QImage

Aurel (DustyDingo) W. aurel.w at gmail.com
Sat Apr 15 23:53:16 BST 2006


while programming a little application, that does painting with
QPainter i ran into serious problems and now I am completely stuck. I
need the color of a distinct Pixel from a QPixmap. It is common, that
QPixmap doesn't implement a function for this, so i must convert it
into a QImage, which offers a function called pixel(int,int)

 QRgb QImage::pixel ( int x, int y ) const

Clear and brief, doesn't work with PyQt (3.14.1-r1). The binding for
the function seems to work, but it allways returns -16777118 (yes, an

In my current situation, without getting the color of a pixel, it is
impossible to finish the program, there is no way to resign it :(


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