[PyQt] pykde4 solid question

Peter Liedler peter at liedler.at
Sun Jul 6 13:16:50 BST 2008

Hello there,

earlier this year I wrote a graphgical frontend to lxdvdrip --> klxdvdrip.

One of the functions I wrote used the supported Media function of solid
to determine if the OpticalDrive is a burining device.
In newer versions this code crashes. As I am eager to fix this I tried
some workarounds - none of them worked. It seems to me that the
SupportedMedia() function is no loinger available.

Here is a code sample:

        curDevice = Solid.Device.allDevices()
                for cdrom in curDevice:
                    if cdrom.isDeviceInterface
                        drive = cdrom.asDeviceInterface
                        burner = cdrom.asDeviceInterface
                        print cdrom.supportedMedia()

Which gives me the following error:
    print cdrom.supportedMedia()
AttributeError: supportedMedia

Am I using Solid in a wrong way?

Thanks for your help


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