[PyQt] How to update an QAbstactTableModel

Marcos Dione mdione at grulic.org.ar
Wed Dec 9 20:55:54 GMT 2009

On Sat, Dec 05, 2009 at 03:35:39PM -0500, despen at verizon.net wrote:
> My problem is that the data displayed in the table doesn't update until
> the window loses and regains focus.  I've tried calling a method that
> emits a "DataChanged" signal and I've also tried "LayoutChanged".

    I had a similar problem and solved it, but instead of the data I wanted to
change the fore and back colors for highlighting. the idea is to emit
dataChanged().  see the details here:


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14:39 < lalita> la_rayis: El fin de Encarta, el principio del nuevo
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