[PyQt] QSystemTrayIcon::showMessage VistaX64

Ian Jones pyqt at ambientdivide.com
Fri Feb 27 16:03:03 GMT 2009

I'm curious if other people have been able to use this feature successfully.

Computer specs:
Python 2.6.1 (32bit) (python.org)
PyQt 2.6-gpl-4.4.4-2.exe (from riverbank website)

Running the examples/desktop/systray/systray.pyw that came with pyqt

The window opens, icons appear in the system tray, change icon etc but
the balloon message never appears.

The docs say it is supported on 'All supported versions of Windows'
and I am assuming Vista is on that list but I couldn't find the actual
list to compare it to.

Is it not?


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