[PyQt] setCursor does not seem to work as expected in graphicsScene/View

Christopher M. Nahler christopher.nahler at papermodels.at
Tue Aug 31 09:40:11 BST 2010

  After some test I have found that if the mouse cursor is "over" an 
item, a call to set the cursor of the view is ignored.

So going back to Bazs ideas I added a check to re-update the view cursor 
whenever an item is left.

Thanks for all the help!

class MyRect(QGraphicsRectItem):
     def hoverLeaveEvent(self, hoverEvent):
         self.scene()._viewCursorReset = True

class MyView(QGraphicsView):
     def mouseMoveEvent(self, mouseEvent):
         if self.scene()._viewCursorReset:
             # update cursors
             # only once if view is reentered
             self.scene()._viewCursorReset = False

class MyScene(QGraphicsScene):
     def __init__(self, parent=None):
         self._viewCursorReset = True
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