[PyQt] help on reconnecting a progress bar...

David Boddie david at boddie.org.uk
Sun Mar 14 21:36:37 GMT 2010

On Sun Mar 14 16:08:37 GMT 2010, patx wrote:

> Sorry, I just changed that link... The code is on
> http://guest:guest@patx.me/hg/fastpatx/file/a9c3af952923/fastpatx.py.

You can refer to the tip revision if you want to link to the latest:


> On Sat, Mar 13, 2010 at 11:49 PM, patx <patx44 at gmail.com> wrote:
> > I am using the code at
> > http://guest:guest@patx.me/hg/fastpatx.py/file/e40662862c35/fastpatx.py.
> > It is my web browser. I need to make it where when a user opens a new
> > tab, the progress bar will connect. ATM, the progress bar works in the
> > first tab, but just stays at 100% in a second tab... Somehow I need to
> > reconnect this, but I can not seem to find out how... Can someone please
> > tell me or show me (if you feel like showing, paste the code somewhere?).
> > Thanks!

It seems to me that you are only connecting one browser widget to the
progress bar (on line 239):


Really, you need to be connecting the loadProgress(int) signal for each new
browser widget to a slot in the fastpatx class where it can decide how to
update the common progress bar depending on whether or not the browser widget
is the visible one.

You probably want to make the connection in the addNewTab() method, and
perform a check in your new slot which compares the sender() against the
browser obtained using your currentBrowser() method.


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