[PyQt] minor annoyance setting "Other Packages" directory, pyqtdeploy v0.6

lloyd konneker bootch at nc.rr.com
Tue Sep 16 17:19:31 BST 2014

How to reproduce:

Using pyqtdeploy v0.6, in the 'Other Packages' tab, after you click in 
the left column and use the file browser and OK a directory, the name of 
the directory appears in the text box.  (I assumed that was 
sufficient.)  Then if you hit the 'Scan' button, you get an error dialog 
"The name of the package directory has not been set." Workaround: I 
click in the textbox and hit Return.  The entire textbox becomes blue 
(selected?) and then the 'Scan' button works.

Also, in the 'Locations>Other Locations>qmake' tab, the chooser button 
opens a file chooser dialog but after you OK, it doesn't seem to 
populate the text box.  Which you can workaround by typing into the text 

Please let me know if it is premature to report such things.

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