[PyQt] pyqtdeploy 0.6 missing patch for issue Python 20307

Georg Brandl g.brandl at gmx.net
Tue Sep 16 13:57:16 BST 2014

On 09/16/2014 02:46 PM, lloyd konneker wrote:
> Python-3.4.0
> I'm not sure about Python.org's branching model, but I would guess they 
> committed it to a branch 3.4 (dev) after 3.4.0 was released but before 
> 3.4.1 was released, but it does not flow back into 3.4.0 (release) ?

3.4.0 is not a branch, it's one (the first) release on the 3.4 branch.  So
nothing can "flow back" there, 3.4.1 is the next release from that branch.

> Also, if you read some of those Python issues, there is much discussion 
> about whether to support Android.  Summarizing, they don't want to until 
> someone sets up a buildbot to officially test on Android.  So it 
> surprising that this patch (which IS specific to Android) WAS 
> committed.  I guess the person who committed it wasn't reading the 
> discussion.

We're fine with committing small patches where we can easily see that no harm
is done to other platforms.  This helps maintainers of non-official ports, since
it reduces the number of trivial patches they have to keep updated.

Officially supporting a platform is another matter: it would mean committing
resources to making sure as much of the Python core and standard library as
is sensible runs on it, and keeps running in the future.


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