[PyQt] converting old signal/slot to new signal/slot

Florian Bruhin me at the-compiler.org
Thu May 28 13:15:12 BST 2015

> It looks as if you are trying to have your signal not just exist but pass a
> parameter? The syntax for that in pyQtSignal is a bit obscure and I'm not
> comfortable with it so maybe somebody else can write about that.

It's quite simple, IMHO (at least as you don't need overloaded

    class myWidget( QWidget ):
        databaseChanged = pyqtSignal(str)


    # self.react_to_db is a callable taking one argument.
    self.databaseChanged.connect( self.react_to_db )


    if database_has_changed :
        # database_name has to be a string

(also, note that it's pyqtSignal, not pyQtSignal)


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