[PyQt] about pyqtdelpoy and other packages
dada20042030 at gmail.com
Sun Sep 11 17:20:33 BST 2016
hi kyle,
thanks for your reply.
I installed Python-3.4.0 and Python-2.7.12
c:/python34/python --version = Python 3.4.0
c:/python27/python --version = Python 2.7.12
c:/python34/scripts/pip --version = pip 1.5.4 from
C:\Python34\lib\site-packages (python 3.4)
c:/python27/scripts/pip --version = pip 8.1.1 from
c:\python27\lib\site-packages (python 2.7)
c:/python34/scripts/pip freeze
c:/python27/scripts/pip freeze
c:/python34/python -c "help('modules')"
Please wait a moment while I gather a list of all available modules...
PyQt5 abc hmac select
PyQtDeployTest aifc html selectors
antigravity http setuptoo
PyQtDeployTest2 argparse idlelib shelve
__future__ array imaplib shlex
_ast ast imghdr shutil
_bisect asynchat imp signal
_bootlocale asyncio importlib sip
_bz2 asyncore inspect site
_codecs atexit io smtpd
_codecs_cn audioop ipaddress smtplib
_codecs_hk base64 itertools sndhdr
_codecs_iso2022 bdb json socket
_codecs_jp binascii keyword socketserv
_codecs_kr binhex lib2to3 sqlite3
_codecs_tw bisect linecache sre_compil
_collections builtins locale sre_consta
_collections_abc bz2 logging sre_parse
_compat_pickle cProfile lzma ssl
_csv calendar macpath stat
_ctypes cgi macurl2path statistics
_ctypes_test cgitb mailbox string
_datetime chunk mailcap stringprep
_decimal cmath marshal struct
_dummy_thread cmd math subprocess
_elementtree code mimetypes sunau
_functools codecs mmap symbol
_hashlib codeop modulefinder symtable
_heapq collections msilib sys
_imp colorsys msvcrt sysconfig
_io compileall multiprocessing tabnanny
_json concurrent netrc tarfile
_locale configparser nntplib telnetlib
_lsprof contextlib nt tempfile
_lzma copy ntpath test
_markerlib copyreg nturl2path textwrap
_markupbase crypt numbers this
_md5 csv opcode threading
_msi ctypes operator time
_multibytecodec curses optparse timeit
_multiprocessing datetime os tkinter
_opcode dbm parser token
_operator decimal pathlib tokenize
_osx_support difflib pdb trace
_overlapped dis pickle traceback
_pickle distutils pickletools tracemallo
_pyio doctest pip tty
_random dummy_threading pipes turtle
_sha1 easy_install pkg_resources turtledemo
_sha256 email pkgutil types
_sha512 encodings platform unicodedat
_sitebuiltins ensurepip plistlib unittest
_socket enum poplib urllib
_sqlite3 errno posixpath uu
_sre faulthandler pprint uuid
_ssl filecmp profile venv
_stat fileinput pstats warnings
_string fnmatch pty wave
_strptime formatter py_compile weakref
_struct fractions pyclbr webbrowser
_symtable ftplib pydoc winreg
_testbuffer functools pydoc_data winsound
_testcapi gc pyexpat wsgiref
_testimportmultiple genericpath pyqtdeploy xdrlib
_thread getopt queue xml
_threading_local getpass quopri xmlrpc
_tkinter gettext random xxsubtype
_tracemalloc glob re zipfile
_warnings gzip reprlib zipimport
_weakref hashlib rlcompleter zlib
_weakrefset heapq runpy
_winapi hello_world sched
c:/python27/python -c "help('modules')"
Please wait a moment while I gather a list of all available modules...
BaseHTTPServer anydbm imaplib shelve
Bastion argparse imghdr shlex
CGIHTTPServer array imp shutil
Canvas ast importlib signal
ConfigParser asynchat imputil sip
Cookie asyncore inspect sipconfig
Dialog atexit io sipdistutils
DocXMLRPCServer audiodev itertools site
FileDialog audioop json smtpd
FixTk base64 keyword smtplib
HTMLParser bdb lib2to3 sndhdr
MimeWriter binascii linecache socket
PyQt4 binhex locale sqlite3
Queue bisect logging sre
ScrolledText bsddb macpath sre_compile
SimpleDialog bz2 macurl2path sre_constants
SimpleHTTPServer cPickle mailbox sre_parse
SimpleXMLRPCServer cProfile mailcap ssl
SocketServer cStringIO markupbase stat
StringIO calendar marshal statvfs
Tix cgi math string
Tkconstants cgitb md5 stringold
Tkdnd chunk mhlib stringprep
Tkinter cmath mimetools strop
UserDict cmd mimetypes struct
UserList code mimify subprocess
UserString codecs mmap sunau
_LWPCookieJar codeop modulefinder sunaudio
_MozillaCookieJar collections msilib symbol
__builtin__ colorsys msvcrt symtable
__future__ commands multifile sys
_abcoll compileall multiprocessing sysconfig
_ast compiler mutex tabnanny
_bisect contextlib netrc tarfile
_bsddb cookielib new telnetlib
_codecs copy nntplib tempfile
_codecs_cn copy_reg nt test
_codecs_hk csv ntpath textwrap
_codecs_iso2022 ctypes nturl2path this
_codecs_jp curses numbers thread
_codecs_kr datetime opcode threading
_codecs_tw dbhash operator time
_collections decimal optparse timeit
_csv difflib os tkColorChooser
_ctypes dircache os2emxpath tkCommonDialog
_ctypes_test dis parser tkFileDialog
_elementtree distutils pdb tkFont
_functools doctest pickle tkMessageBox
_hashlib dumbdbm pickletools tkSimpleDialog
_heapq dummy_thread pip toaiff
_hotshot dummy_threading pipes token
_io easy_install pkg_resources tokenize
_json email pkgutil trace
_locale encodings platform traceback
_lsprof ensurepip plistlib ttk
_md5 errno popen2 tty
_msi exceptions poplib turtle
_multibytecodec filecmp posixfile types
_multiprocessing fileinput posixpath unicodedata
_osx_support fnmatch pprint unittest
_pyio formatter profile urllib
_random fpformat pstats urllib2
_sha fractions pty urlparse
_sha256 ftplib py_compile user
_sha512 functools pyclbr uu
_socket future_builtins pydoc uuid
_sqlite3 gc pydoc_data warnings
_sre genericpath pyexpat wave
_ssl getopt quopri weakref
_strptime getpass random webbrowser
_struct gettext re whichdb
_subprocess glob repr winsound
_symtable gzip rexec wsgiref
_testcapi hashlib rfc822 xdrlib
_threading_local heapq rlcompleter xml
_tkinter hmac robotparser xmllib
_warnings hotshot runpy xmlrpclib
_weakref htmlentitydefs sched xxsubtype
_weakrefset htmllib select zipfile
_winreg httplib sets zipimport
abc idlelib setuptools zlib
aifc ihooks sgmllib
antigravity imageop sha
system environment path
Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Include;C:\Program Files
(x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Lib;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft
Visual Studio 10.0\VC\include;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio
10.0\Common7\IDE;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio
i checked sockect of the standard library modules in pyqtdeploy gui
running nmake
-name p
yqtdeploy resources\pyqtdeploy.qrc -o release\qrc_pyqtdeploy.cpp
cl -c -nologo -Zm200 -Zc:wchar_t- -O2 -Os -MT -W0 -GR -EHsc -DWIN32
e" -I"..\..\src\qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.6\include"
hon2.7" -I"..\..\src\qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.6\include\ActiveQt"
ease" -I"..\..\src\qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.6\mkspecs\default"
e\ @C:\Users\dada\AppData\Local\Temp\nmC59C.tmp
Generating Code...
cl -c -nologo -Zm200 -Zc:wchar_t- -O2 -Os -MT -W0 -GR -EHsc -DWIN32
e" -I"..\..\src\qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.6\include"
hon2.7" -I"..\..\src\qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.6\include\ActiveQt"
ease" -I"..\..\src\qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.6\mkspecs\default"
e\ @C:\Users\dada\AppData\Local\Temp\nmCA30.tmp
version='' publicKeyToken='6595b64144ccf1df' language='*'
ecture='*'" /MANIFEST
/OUT:release\hello_world.exe @C:\Users\dada\AppData\Local\Temp\nmCBC8.tmp
mt.exe -nologo -manifest "release\hello_world.intermediate.manifest"
copy /y & copy /y &
execute the hello_world.exe
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "hello_world.py", line 1, in <module>
File ":/socket.py", line 47, in <module>
ImportError: No module named _socket
View this message in context: http://python.6.x6.nabble.com/about-pyqtdelpoy-and-other-packages-tp5199381p5199428.html
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