[PyQt] Learning Qt5 designer

Rich Shepard rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Fri Jan 13 01:35:06 GMT 2017

On Thu, 12 Jan 2017, michael h wrote:

> Looks like you have one on the contacts tab that isn't in a layout but
> looks like it is.


   OK. I'll go look for it. I thought I created layouts prior to adding
spacers, but apparently missed one.

>>   2.) How do I add column titles, specifically 'Date' and 'Action' to the
>> table widget? I do not see anything in the property editor for this.
> Double click on the table (see video).

   Thought I did that, but will review video and try again.

>>   3.) How can I expand the columns to fill the table widget box?
> There's a setting to stretch the last header sections (see video),
> otherwise you'll have to do it in code (like through
> table.horizontalHeader().setSectionResizeMode() )

   OK. I'll look for that section, too.

Much appreciated,


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