[PyQt] cannot get clipboard text using QClipboard on Android when App in background
Zhao Lee
redstone-cold at 163.com
Wed Apr 25 09:37:00 BST 2018
I am using the following code to retrieve clipboard text once clipboard data changed on Android
from PyQt5.QtCoreimport*from PyQt5.QtGuiimport*from PyQt5.QtWidgetsimport*classEngkuDict(QLabel):
# Permissions QFile::permissions() const
def __init__(self, parent=None):
self.clipboard =QGuiApplication.clipboard()
# self.clipboard.changed.connect(self.clipboardModeChanged)
def clipboardTextChanged(self):
selectedText = self.clipboard.text()
self.setText('clipboardTextChanged: {}'.format(selectedText))
def clipboardModeChanged(self, mode):
selectedText = self.clipboard.text()
self.setText('mode: {}\n{}'.format(mode, selectedText))if __name__ =="__main__":
import sys
app =QApplication(sys.argv)
# QApplication.setQuitOnLastWindowClosed(False)
trayIcon =EngkuDict()
when the code is running in background, I copied text in another application, this application just cannot get clipboard text, so how to solve the issue ?
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