[PyQt] any plan on fully implementing the QtAndroidExtras module? Why?

Phil Thompson phil at riverbankcomputing.com
Wed Apr 25 09:40:45 BST 2018

On 25 Apr 2018, at 2:06 am, Zhao Lee <redstone-cold at 163.com> wrote:
> It seems only two classes in QtAndroidExtras module has been implemented, 
> http://pyqt.sourceforge.net/Docs/PyQt5/QtAndroidExtras.html#PyQt5-QtAndroidExtras
> is there any plan on fully implementing the  QtAndroidExtras module? Why?
> BTW, I want to use QAndroidIntent Class

Some classes can be difficult, if not impossible to wrap. For some classes it's possible to wrap part of the class but not enough to make them usable. In the case of the Android support I don't know enough about Android programming to know what is usable. Therefore I wrap the minimum until somebody with more knowledge can tell me what else can be done.

In the case of QAndroidIntent the whole class can be wrapped. However is it usable given the limitations on the wrapping of QAndroidJniObject?


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