[PyQt] [pyqt]search and highlight text or character in QTABLEWIDGET

Maziar Parsijani maziar.parsijani at gmail.com
Wed Aug 1 14:31:40 BST 2018

I use method1 to find some text in qtablewidget rows.

method1 :

def FindItem(self):
    items = self.SuraBRS.findItems(
        self.SearchTbox.text(), QtCore.Qt.MatchContains)
    if items:
        results = '\n'.join(
            'row %d column %d' % (item.row() + 1, item.column() + 1)
            for item in items)
        results = 'Found Nothing'

Now I want to know how to highlight results or change their color.*I want
to select and highlight that text or character not all of the row or
example :

the row contents is "hello world"
I want to highlight(search) "o" in that row.
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