[PyQt] Building PyQt5.Qsci when QScintilla is in a non-standard location

Phil Thompson phil at riverbankcomputing.com
Fri Jul 19 16:52:27 BST 2019

On 19/07/2019 16:32, bkw1a at virginia.edu wrote:
> Hi folks,
> 	I'm installing PyQt5 for a research group on a cluster where
> I don't have administrative rights.  I can build and install most
> of PyQt5 successfully, putting it into the group's storage space
> by picking the appropriate arguments to give to configure.py.
> 	BUT, the group needs QScintilla too.  I've built
> QScintilla and put it into the group's storage space, but this
> isn't where the PyQt5 build system looks for it, so it's not
> found and PyQt5.Qsci isn't built.
> 	How can I tell the PyQt5 build system where to find
> Qscintilla?

Run configure.py -h


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