Licensing for QScintilla examples

Phil Thompson phil at
Tue Jun 30 11:42:01 BST 2020

On 29/06/2020 12:26, Dmitry Shachnev wrote:
> Hi Phil!
> While updating QScintilla package for Debian I noticed that files in
> example-Qt4Qt5/ have the following license statement:
> ** Licensees holding a valid Qt License Agreement may use this file in
> ** accordance with the rights, responsibilities and obligations
> ** contained therein.  Please consult your licensing agreement or
> ** contact sales at if any conditions of this licensing
> ** agreement are not clear to you.
> Does this mean that they are for commercial Qt customers only? Is it
> possible to explicitly specify an open source license under which they
> can be distributed?

The code is based on a Qt example and so uses the copyright message in 
use at the time.

I will update the message to use the version currently in use. It 
mentions the BSD license explicitly.


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