PyQt6 v6.2.0 Snapshots Available

Phil Thompson phil at
Sat Jul 17 12:08:40 BST 2021

As I said, '--no-deps'


On 17/07/2021 12:02, Detlev Offenbach wrote:
> Hi,
> I tried it again. This time I got an issue installing from your
> server. Using the command
> ~/environments/pyqt6env/bin/python3 -m pip install --index-url
> --pre --upgrade
> --force-reinstall PyQt6 PyQt6-Qt6 PyQt6-Charts PyQt6-Charts-Qt6
> PyQt6-QScintilla
> pip issues an error message and aborts.
> ==============================
> INFO: pip is looking at multiple versions of pyqt6 to determine which
> version is compatible with other requirements. This could take a
> while.
> ERROR: Cannot install PyQt6 and pyqt6-charts==6.2.0.dev2107131250
> because these package versions have conflicting dependencies.
> The conflict is caused by:
>     The user requested PyQt6
>     pyqt6-charts 6.2.0.dev2107131250 depends on PyQt6>=6.2.0
> To fix this you could try to:
> 1. loosen the range of package versions you've specified
> 2. remove package versions to allow pip attempt to solve the dependency 
> conflict
> ERROR: ResolutionImpossible: for help visit
> ==============================
> What did I do wrong? I am using pip version 21.1.3 (note that pip has
> a new dependency resolver as of version 20.3).
> Detlev
> Am 17.07.21 um 11:31 schrieb Phil Thompson:
>> On 15/07/2021 17:04, Detlev Offenbach wrote:
>>> Hi Phil,
>>> I tried these snapshots and have a few issues.
>>> 1. PyQt6-Charts doesn't install because pip cannot resolve the 
>>> dependency.
>> The '--pre' flag doesn't seem to influence dependencies (which may be 
>> a pip bug). Install PyQt6-Charts (and PyQt6-Charts-Qt6) with 
>> '--no-deps'.
>>> 2. When I try to start eric I get an error message about not being
>>> able to find the xcb platform plugin. With PyQt 6.1.x everything is
>>> fine.
>> I've updated the Linux PyQt6-Qt6 wheel. The version number is the same 
>> so use '--force-reinstall'.
>> Phil

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