ANN: SIP v6.8.6 and PyQt-builder v1.16.4 Released

Phil Thompson phil at
Fri Jul 12 17:36:33 BST 2024

SIP v6.8.6 has been released. This is mainly a bug-fix release - 
particularly for Linux on Arm. The latest ABI versions are now v12.15 
and v13.8. There are corresponding releases of PyQt5-sip and PyQt6-sip.

PyQt-builder v1.16.4 has been released.  This adds support for creating 
Qt6 wheels for Linux and Windows on Arm (although another release will 
probably be needed to fully support Windows on Arm). Full PyQt6 support 
for Windows on Arm is expected with the release of v6.8.

There will be new releases of PyQt5 and PyQt6 in the next few days.


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