Qt v6.7.1 Wheels Available - Issue updating

Phil Thompson phil at riverbankcomputing.com
Mon Jun 3 08:29:11 BST 2024

On 03/06/2024 08:15, Detlev Offenbach wrote:
> Hi Phil,
> I observed something strange upgrading a PyQt6 virtual environment
> from Qt 6.7.0 to the new Qt 6.7.1 wheels with split
> PyQt6-Webengine-Qt6. The dependency to PyQt6-WebengineSubwheel-Qt6
> gets resolved and Python 3.12 says it is installed OK. However, when I
> check the '.../Qt6/lib' directory, the library
> 'libQt6WebEngineCore.so.6' is missing. After repeating the update or
> doing it with the '--force-reinstall' option everything is OK indeed.
> I observed this behavior on several Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Debian
> systems.
> What is going on here?

No idea, what pip options did you use?


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