Error running pyuic6

Panagiotis Iosif paniosif at
Wed Jun 26 12:42:28 BST 2024


I am following up on my question.

Could you please point me to where:

1. the PyQt6 6.7.1 provided by Phil through his lokal PyPI server.

is located, as I would like to give this a try?

And does it also include the respective version of Qt designer?



On Tue, Jun 25, 2024 at 10:35 AM Panagiotis Iosif <paniosif at>

> Hi Detlev,
> thanks for bringing this to my attention and for mentioning the possible
> solutions.
> I just subscribed to this mailing list and did not know this was a known
> issue.
> in case it proves useful to someone else, I did a quick fix by replacing:
> "Qt::Horizontal" with "Qt::Orientation::Horizontal"
> and "Qt::Vertical" with "Qt::Orientation::Vertical"
> in the *def orientation(self, widget, prop) *method located in my
> "PyQt6/uic/" file.
> Best regards,
> Panagiotis
> On Mon, Jun 24, 2024 at 6:52 PM Detlev Offenbach <detlev at>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> you are facing the same issue that I reported some time ago already. Phil
>> has changed the sources to cope with the current situation, which is caused
>> by a change in Qt Designer starting with Qt 6.7.0. Your possible solutions
>> are as follows.
>> 1. Use the PyQt6 6.7.1 provided by Phil through his lokal PyPI server.
>> 2. Use Qt Designer of Qt 6.6.x.
>> I opted for the second solution for the moment.
>> Regards,
>> Detlev
>> Am 24.06.24 um 15:09 schrieb Panagiotis Iosif:
>> Hello,
>> I am facing an issue when trying to run *pyuic6 *to convert my ".ui"
>> file to a ".py" file.
>> The command I am running is this one:
>> pyuic6 tabs.ui -o
>> An the error I get says the following:
>> ----------
>> An unexpected error occurred.
>> Check that you are using the latest version of pyuic6 and send an error
>> report
>> to the PyQt mailing list and include the following information:
>> - your version of pyuic6 (6.7.0)
>> - the .ui file that caused this error
>> - the debug output of pyuic6 (use the --debug flag when calling pyuic6)
>> ----------
>> As per the error's instructions, I am attaching the "tabs.ui" file and
>> the output of the command:
>> pyuic6 tabs.ui -o --debug 2>&1 | tee -a pyuic6_output.log
>> I suspect that when I save the files "tabs.ui" from Qt Designer, the
>> property "Orientation" gets saved as "Qt::Orientation::Horizontal".
>> However, the file "" that resides in my miniconda
>> installation at:
>> /home/paniosif/miniconda3/envs/ahead3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/PyQt6/uic/
>> probably handles "Orientation" differently.
>> For example, checking the contents of that file and searching for the
>> keyword "Orientation" this is what I see:
>> ----------
>> def orientation(self, widget, prop):
>>         # If the class is a QFrame, it's a line.
>>         if widget.metaObject().className() == 'QFrame':
>>             widget.setFrameShape(
>>                 {'Qt::Horizontal': QtWidgets.QFrame.Shape.HLine,
>>                  'Qt::Vertical'  :
>> QtWidgets.QFrame.Shape.VLine}[prop[0].text])
>>         else:
>>             widget.setOrientation(self._enum(prop[0]))
>> ----------
>> Does anyone have an idea as to how I can solve this issue?
>> (I guess I can always manually edit either "" stored in the
>> "uic" folder or my "tabs.ui" file as needed to make sure they agree on the
>> definition of "Qt::Orientation::Horizontal".
>> I do not know though if this works as it should.
>> I would expect that saving a ".ui" file through Qt Designer (version
>> 6.7.0) would respect whatever definitions of properties are needed from
>> "uic".
>> Am I missing something?
>> Thanks for any help!
>> Best,
>> Panagiotis
>> --
>> Detlev Offenbachdetlev at
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