[QScintilla] Give QScintilla the current style

Xavier Noëlle gray2style at gmail.com
Tue Dec 4 14:35:11 GMT 2007

2007/12/4, Phil Thompson <phil at riverbankcomputing.com>:
> On Tuesday 04 December 2007, Xavier Noëlle wrote:
> > What do you mean by writing a new Scintilla lexer. Which class should
> > it be a child of ?
> I'm afraid it's not that simple. See the Lex*.cpp files in the src directory.

So, what does (Q)Scintilla offer for generic syntax coloration,
folding and this kind of stuff ? What I understood first was that one
should simply give keywords, separators, block handlers, an API and
that QScintilla would be making coffee from that. Is it what this
project is aiming at or did I completely miss the endgame ?

I wouldn't want to miss features which could make my life easier, so
thank you in advance !


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