[QScintilla] Give QScintilla the current style

Phil Thompson phil at riverbankcomputing.com
Tue Dec 4 15:45:29 GMT 2007

On Tuesday 04 December 2007, Xavier Noëlle wrote:
> 2007/12/4, Phil Thompson <phil at riverbankcomputing.com>:
> > On Tuesday 04 December 2007, Xavier Noëlle wrote:
> > > What do you mean by writing a new Scintilla lexer. Which class should
> > > it be a child of ?
> >
> > I'm afraid it's not that simple. See the Lex*.cpp files in the src
> > directory.
> So, what does (Q)Scintilla offer for generic syntax coloration,
> folding and this kind of stuff ? What I understood first was that one
> should simply give keywords, separators, block handlers, an API and
> that QScintilla would be making coffee from that. Is it what this
> project is aiming at or did I completely miss the endgame ?

That's one of the things it does - but it can't do it all for you. It 
certainly can't infer the syntax of your language. I would certainly agree 
that Scintilla could offer better tools for writing lexers but that's an 
issue for the Scintilla author.

QScintilla is a port of Scintilla with, in places, an additional higher level 
API. It doesn't change the way Scintilla works or the features it offers.


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