[QScintilla] Auto-Completion on Windows

Andrea Battisti battisti at actgate.com
Wed Jul 2 13:58:01 BST 2008

I am trying to enable the auto-completion on a QScintilla-based editor 
widget (Qt3).
The following code works on Linux and Mac OS X, but causes a crash on 
Windows, just when the the auto completion is triggered and the keywords 
list should pop-up.

setAutoCompletionThreshold( 2 );
setAutoCompletionSource( QsciScintilla::AcsAPIs );

ac_apis = new QsciAPIs( lex );
ac_apis->add( "keyword1" );
ac_apis->add( "keyword2" );
ac_apis->add( "keyword3" );

Is this supposed to work also on Windows?
Related to this, I noticed that in the QScintilla Windows package (.zip) 
there's not a "Qt3" subfolder, only "Qt4" is present.
Does this mean that Qt3 is no more supported in Windows?
Instead, the .tar.gz packages has both the "Qt3" and "Qt4" folders, so I 
built it under Windows using the "Qt3" folder on the .tar.gz

Thanks in advance,

Andrea Battisti
Applied Coherent Technology Corp.

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