[QScintilla] Auto-Completion on Windows

Phil Thompson phil at riverbankcomputing.com
Wed Jul 2 14:04:16 BST 2008

On Wed, 02 Jul 2008 14:58:01 +0200, Andrea Battisti <battisti at actgate.com>
> I am trying to enable the auto-completion on a QScintilla-based editor 
> widget (Qt3).
> The following code works on Linux and Mac OS X, but causes a crash on 
> Windows, just when the the auto completion is triggered and the keywords 
> list should pop-up.
> [...]
> setAutoCompletionThreshold( 2 );
> setAutoCompletionSource( QsciScintilla::AcsAPIs );
> ac_apis = new QsciAPIs( lex );
> ac_apis->add( "keyword1" );
> ac_apis->add( "keyword2" );
> ac_apis->add( "keyword3" );
> ac_apis->prepare();
> [...]
> Is this supposed to work also on Windows?


> Related to this, I noticed that in the QScintilla Windows package (.zip) 
> there's not a "Qt3" subfolder, only "Qt4" is present.
> Does this mean that Qt3 is no more supported in Windows?
> Instead, the .tar.gz packages has both the "Qt3" and "Qt4" folders, so I 
> built it under Windows using the "Qt3" folder on the .tar.gz

There is no GPL version of Qt3 for Windows, so there is no GPL version of
QScintilla for Qt3.

What versions are you using?


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