[Eric] Linguist question

Michele Petrazzo - Unipex michele.petrazzo at unipex.it
Wed Sep 23 13:42:03 BST 2009

I'm trying to create my first, complete, qt project with eric and I
found the first problems...
Like now I create a new form, modified it with qt-designer and "generate"
the form, but now it's time to translate. So I _manually_ create a .pro
file where I specify the sources, forms and translation. (but I think
that isn't the right way to do this). After I included the .ts file into
eric and every time I modify the .ui, I have to simple  generate them
with "Generate translation" for update the .ts file.
But now I have to use the translation functions inside my .py file and
here born the problems...
That eric generation doesn't include my .py file (forgot to include my
'self.trUtf8("test")') and inside the linguist I can't found my strings.
Also if I regenerate the .ts with the .pro + lupdate-qt4, the next time
I regenerate the .ts file with eric, I lost all my .py strings.
So, how I can do all the work inside eric?

Another little thing: selecting the "generate all translations", eric
show me a "No translation file selected" and it shouldn't since there are
at least one .ts file there and I want to generate all files presents.


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