[PyKDE] How do I launch multiple threads?

Barbod Varjavandi barbod at ada.ca
Sat Mar 17 07:29:04 GMT 2001

How do I launch multiple threads?

I seem to have problem interacting with QT widgets from different Python

My application starts in  C++

PySys_SetArgv(argc, argv);
PyRun_SimpleFile(iPythonScript, PythonScript);

in PythonScript
app = QApplication( sys.argv)
Generate my widgets
sys.stderr = MultiLineText.PyErr
sys.stdout = MultiLineText.PyRes
sys.stdin = MultiLineText.PyInput
app.connect(app, SIGNAL('lastWindowClosed()'), app, SLOT('quit()') );

def write(self,sText):

on the click of a button somewhere
    thread.start_new_thread(foo, ())
    thread.start_new_thread(foo, ())
    thread.start_new_thread(foo, ())

def foo():
    print "Something"
    do something
    print "Something"
    do something
    print "Something"
    do something
    print "Something"

The program freezes deadlock

Any suggestions?


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