[PyQt] Fresh Installation on Windows leads to confusing Error

Phil Thompson phil at riverbankcomputing.com
Thu Sep 11 16:34:47 BST 2014

On 11/09/2014 1:33 pm, Yafes Sahin wrote:
> Hi,
> i was attempting to install:
> PyQt5-5.3.1-gpl-Py3.4-Qt5.3.1-x64.exe
> Eventhough i don't have installed PyQt4 i get the error message
> "A copy of PyQt4 for Python v3.4 is already installed in C:\Python34
> and must be uninstalled first"
> As there is even no folder "C:\Python34" this message is totally 
> confusing.
> What i tried:
> 1) I've installed Python 3.4, tried to install then the exe, but the 
> same error
> 2) Deleted python 2.7
> 3) Deleted all environment variables referencing to python or pyqt
> So what else can i do?
> By the way i am  using as well QT C++.
> The error message is completely miss-leading and non-informative!
> Would be nice, if someone could give me a hint.

It's a registry setting...


...in either current user or local machine.


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