Fwd: ANN: PyQt6-6.7.0-1 Wheels Available

Gdaliy Garmiza gdalik at gmail.com
Mon Jun 3 20:00:55 BST 2024


None of the issues with QMediaPlayer I had reported
<https://www.riverbankcomputing.com/pipermail/pyqt/2024-May/045858.html> were
fixed, I'm sorry.
On Windows 10 it doesn't play anything no matter which backend is used. And
I get no error messages.
On macOS Monterey (Intel platform) it doesn't work as well.
And I get the following:
'No QtMultimedia backends found. Only QMediaDevices, QAudioDevice,
QSoundEffect, QAudioSink, and QAudioSource are available.

Failed to initialize QMediaPlayer "Not available"'

The same codebase with the following requirements installed still works OK



пн, 3 июн. 2024 г. в 14:37, Phil Thompson <phil at riverbankcomputing.com>:

> Updated PyQt6 v6.7.0 wheels (PyQt6-6.7.0-1) have been uploaded to PyPI.
> This fixes a QtMultimedia bug in Qt v6.7.0 that was exposed when running
> against Qt v6.7.1.
> The new wheels should run against Qt v6.7.0 and v6.7.1.
> Phil
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